Basement Information Centre
Company: THB - Promoting Modern Masonry Construction

Basements are now one of the most talked about items in housing in the UK. The ever-increasing cost and reduction in availability and conditions of land has resulted in greater use of basements for new build housing. The high cost of moving house has lead to an increase in the refurbishment of old basements and retrofitting basements to existing houses.


The Basement Information Centre (BIC) is the new 2004 operating name of the previous Basement Development Group (BDG), which was formed in 1992. The new name is part of the formal status that the Centre now has, and to reflect the change from a development phase to a position where basements for housing are now accepted as an established practice. The name change also reflects the original groups expansion from simply covering new build but now right through to retrofit basements. It also reflects the growth in membership.


The Centre brings together a number of parties having a common interest in basements, and thus forms a collective body able to provide technical and commercial expertise to produce guidance and services for basements for dwellings. It has now become effectively the national focus point for information on basements for housing.


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